Meet the Team

Melinda Shea
Administrative Director

Melinda Shea is a practicing pharmacist and a patient spouse. She shares her husand's, Dr. Owen Shea, passion for the right to self defense. Melinda manages a wide range of administrative tasks and helps to organize and facilitate range training events.

Tobin Shea
COO & Co-Founder

Tobin, like the rest of his family, is equally passionate about the right to self defense. As a victim of an armed hostage and robbery event, he knows first hand the value of a firearm in the hands of the right individual. Tobin enjoyed a very distinguished shooting competition career and was a national champion for pistol and rifle shooting in his division. He has gone on to found a Silcon Valley Cybsersecurity and Technology company, but will always believe personal security is the most important kind.

Paul Klosterman, MD

Dr. Paul Klosterman is a retired surgeon and master shooter. He is a Front Sight trained and certified Master Shooter with a distinguished competition career. Dr. Klosterman is an excellent range instructor who's skillset is only matched by his patience.

Owen Shea, MD
Founder & CEO

Dr. Owen Shea M.D. is a board-certified anesthesiologist practicing in California for over 25 years. He is a strong advocate for the right to self defense and a life long shooting sportsman. Dr. Shea has spent years as a competitive shooter, but his most charrished accomplishment has been guiding countless individuals through the Concealed Carry Weapons Liscense application process. He is also proud to have trained his dog as a master bug salt-gun shooter.


Every team member has been involved in the shooting sports for years and been involved with countless CCW License applications.


Here at Concealed Carry Consulting our work is not just a job; it's a passion. We firmly believe that everyone has the right to self defense and are thrilled to help others accomplish this.


Not only do each of our shooters have years of experiance, they have also achieved mastery and are excited to teach you the same skills.

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